Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2011 Goals - Mid-May Update

(1) Max out 401k(s) - $12,491 (38%)(goal is $33,000)
(2) Max out IRA(s) - $10,000 (100%)(goal is $10,000, this goal is completed)
(3) Add to e/r fund - $3,600 (36%)(goal is $10,000)
(4) Pay down mortgage - $1660 (33%)(goal is $5,000)
(5) House projects - $0 (goal is $5,000)

Total - $27,751 (44%)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you share your telecommunication budget? Do you have a home phone and/or regular cell phone and/or smart phone with a data plan? How about entertainment with internet, cable TV, premium channels, Netflex?